Half way through January already! No finishes this week, but progress on Rododendron Trail! Clue 7 was finished and the last clue/finish for the quilt was released on Friday. All the clues will be posted until the end of January, so you still have time to head over to Bonnie's Blog to save them.
Clue 7 |
I was able to get the border corners and setting triangles done on Friday/Saturday.
Setting Triangles
Bonnie's finished quilt is below and it looks great. Excited to finish up mine this next week!
Rododendron Trail Finsih |
Purchased this week was the aqua to use for the sashing strips. The one I had picked out was too bright, and I thought I needed someting a bit more muted to go with the light and airy feel of this quilt. So a trip to 35th Avenue was in store. I will use up some old floral fabrics for the backing.
Aqua fabric |
Nothing used this week, but hope to change that for next week's report.
Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 0 yards.
Purchased this week: 4 yards.
Purchased YTD: 25 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: -25 yards.
Have a great week!