Sunday, May 26, 2024

Stash Report


The Saguaro's are bloming. This Saguaro is in our backyard, and last year it had no blooms at all. This year it is covered! We were so happy to see this and the flowers are beautiful.

Here are the completed five and six blocks from Fairy Duster. Nothing added to the stash this week and nothing used. 

 Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 107.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 66.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 41 yards.

Hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What about the saguaro in the front? Is it blooming too... Are the flowers white? Your quilt is coming along real well.


Thank you for sharing your comments!