Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stash Report

Kanarra Falls

Back home today after a wonderful trip, it was a least a bit cooler than the temps we came home to. 

We took some beautiful hikes in the Cedar City Area, Alpine Pond Loop, Kanarra Falls and Kolob Canyon. The sceanery was beautiful and weather was perfect. 

Second Waterfall

Walking up the canyon in the water.

My favorite hike was up to Kanarra Falls. You have to have a permit to hike this canyon to the falls, as they limit the number of people each day. It was such a beautiful hike and in many places you are walking in the creek, which was only about ankle high. The first waterful has a staricase which you take up to the second waterfall. There is a third waterfall, but that required climbing up some boulders and was a bit much for us.

Cedar Breaks 

Alpine Pond

Some of the wildflowers.

We also went on a fun hike to Alpine Pond in Cedar Breaks NM. It was a beautiful hike with so many different wildflowers blooming and great views of Cedar Breaks Amphitheater. Late June, early July is the perfect time to vist Cedar Breaks.

Double Arch Alcove

We also headed into the Kolob Canyon part of Zion National Park, and hiked Tayler Creek Trail. It was a 5 miler and we were glad we did it in the morning, as it started to get hot on the way back. This also follows a small creek that you have to cross about 20 times and ends at a Double Arch above. We had a busy week and loved every minute.

No Quilt shops to visit, so no chage in the stash.

Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 112.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 76.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 36 yards.

1 comment:

  1. Kanarra Falls hike looks fun. Great photo of the creek.


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