Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Design Wall

Heart and Hand is on the design wall this week. I am working on a few more blocks and will be sewing up the setting blocks. Still not sure how big this will be, depends on if I have enough of the background fabric to use in the setting blocks.

Here are the latest blocks I am finishing up this week. The tulip is done and will work on the rest while watching TV in the evenings.

The last of the split nine patch blocks are done! Hope to get to sewing them all together this week.

Enjoy your week!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Stash Report

Baby quilt is finished! Hope to get this quilted up next week and off to its new owner! I also had enough leftovers to make another small baby quilt that will go to charity.

Also finished this week were the rest of the split nine-patch blocks. Hope to get to putting this quilt all together this coming week.

Nothing purchased this week, but Sewing and Craft Expo is coming up this Thursday so I am sure I will have some adds for next week.😁

Used this week: 9 yards.
Used YTD: 148.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 85.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 63 yards.

Have a great week!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Design Wall


This week I am finishing up this baby quilt for my Niece. It is a pattern by GE Designs called Emma. This was very easy and I was able to make all the blocks on Sunday. I really like the patterns at GE designs, simple, graphic and pretty easy to accomplish. I am still playing around with the block layout, so letting this one sit on the wall for a day. I have about 12 leftover blocks that will go into a second quilt for charity.

Also in the works is finishing up the blocks for the Split Nine patch quilt above. I need to make about 30 more blocks and hope to get that done at my Tuesday sewing group tomorrow.

Always a lot going on in my sewing room, how about you>

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stash Report

Back from my trip to San Diego last week. Not much sewing was done, but I did get to shop at Rosie's Calico Cupboard with Sandi while I was there. I picked up some cat related fabrics above for a future quilt for one of my granddaughters and the neutrals below. You can never have enough neutrals!

Damage to the stash below! Hoping for a couple of finishes this week.

Used this week: 0 yards.
Used YTD: 139.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 5.5 yards.
Purchased YTD: 85.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 54 yards.

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stash Report

Finally a finish to report. Fairy Dust is done and in the quilting que. I had to take this picutre on the floor as it was way to big for the design wall. It finishes at 88x108. I am sure glad this quilt is off my UFO list!

Also finised this week were 4 more blocks to the Heart and Hand Quilt. Next I am going to put all the completed blocks on the design wall and see how many more I will need to make for the quilt size that I want. I will also be making an alternate block and hope I have enough of the background to make them. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Here are updated numbers for the stash report.

Used this week: 25 yards.
Used YTD: 139.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 80 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 59.5 yards.

Have a great week!