Sunday, August 25, 2024

Stash Report

Baby quilt is finished! Hope to get this quilted up next week and off to its new owner! I also had enough leftovers to make another small baby quilt that will go to charity.

Also finished this week were the rest of the split nine-patch blocks. Hope to get to putting this quilt all together this coming week.

Nothing purchased this week, but Sewing and Craft Expo is coming up this Thursday so I am sure I will have some adds for next week.😁

Used this week: 9 yards.
Used YTD: 148.5 yards.
Purchased this week: 0 yards.
Purchased YTD: 85.5 yards.
Net Fabric Used YTD: 63 yards.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Not the kind of baby quilt I'm used to seeing...times change LOL


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